Sunday, January 29, 2012

Air Hose

Most football coaches I know, and for that matter most men I know, love their wives and families. That's never a problem. The problem sometimes becomes "How do we love our wives?" What does that look like? The Bible says that men are to love their wives as Christ loved the church. And just what does that mean? Author Steve Farrar put it like this, "He is willing to get hurt for his wife. He is even willing to die for his wife, if necessary. But in most cases his love will mean sacrificing anything in order to care for his wife." I like that. Have I always done it? I have failed miserably many times in my 41 years of marriage, but I go back and try again. There are many little things we can do to love our lives and here's just one example. This is one I worked on myself.

I know that we are to build our wives up, to build their self-esteem, not tear it down or "deflate" so to speak their confidence. So, think of the term "air hose". Any time you make a cutting remark, put down, or use a sarcastic tone, particularly in front of others, you're cutting off her air hose of self-esteem and confidence. So don't do that. Compliment her; praise her, especially in public or with others. Now I wish I could take credit for this, but I heard the concept of “air hose” from one of our elders in church one Sunday as he was delivering the message. He shared that this was a concept that he had been working on with a friend. When they were together with their wives, if either would say anything remotely or blatantly unflattering of their wives the other would simply say, "Air hose". It was a way for them to be accountable to each other for loving their wives properly. It was a reminder from one friend to another.

Of course, there are many other ways we can love our wives, but this is certainly one we can all work on. I've got a long way to go but I keep trying to improve. So guys don't step on her air hose.

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