Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Book Review: Rise to Rebellion

Independence Day seems like a good time to do my next book review. Today, the 4th of July, is a great day of remembrance for the birth of our nation. Our forefathers had unique vision and wisdom as they pieced together a plan that was a radical and revolutionary idea. Was it perfect? Heck no. We still had slavery in some areas, women were second class citizens, and the power was with the land owners. But the founders of our nation knew that things were going to change and they created a document, the constitution, that was a living document that could be a amended and grow as time went along. Most of them KNEW that eventually we would get freedom for all. But there had to be a starting place and they had the guts (they were, after all, considered traitors to the King and subject to execution by death)and wherewithal to bring together all thirteen colonies to forge a new nation. They had to make compromises to get everyone on board. These compromises were not easy and there were many times the plan just to get organized nearly failed.

"Rise to Rebellion" by Jeff Shaara tells the story of the events leading up to July 4th 1776 and the amazing sacrifices and innovative ideas of our forefathers. It is told in a format called historical narrative. I really like this style because it gives a feel of bringing the characters to life. The author takes the liberty of putting in actual conversations as they might have happened based on historical records and letters. It gives a much more realistic feel to the story. You will be truly impressed by the actions of these brave men and women.

It has become fashionable these days for some to criticize our founders for not going far enough, that there were still injustices. Yes, that's true, but after reading this book you will appreciate even more that they did all that was possible AT THAT TIME. They lived in a different era and I will not judge them. This is one of my favorite books and I highly recommend it to anyone, especially history buffs. Heck, if you're an American you should read this book. If I had to rate it on a five star scale I'd give it at least four stars.

Enjoy your holiday and "Happy Independence Day!"

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